The Applicant List page is where you review and audit applicant records, review documents, and review and add notes. A basic display of the applicant information is listed and you may further access the applicant record by selecting on the + next to the applicant name.
To access this page, select the Assignment Name link on the Assignments tile on the Dashboard. Select the Certificate(s) you want to open in the Assignment: Applicant List Review section and select the Review Lists button.
The following elements are displayed:
- Applicant List: Applicant List Review. This is the review type assigned to the assignment.
- Assignment Name. This is the assignment name associated with the assignment.
- Request Number(s). This is the request number(s) associated with this assignment.
- Due. This is the date the assignment is due back to HR.
- Returned. This displays the date the assignment was returned.
- HR Contact. This is the name of the HR Contact responsible for the assignment.
. Selecting this icon will display the name and email address of the HR Contact.
- Other Reviewers. This button allows you to view all reviewers assigned to the same assignment.
- Documents. This pop-up allows you to view and upload documents associated with the applicant lists. Adding documents to an assignment.
- Certificate. This is the certificate number.
- Applicants. The number to the right indicates how many applicants are on the certificate.
- Pay Plan. This is the pay plan, series and grade of the position.
- Filters. This field will display eligibility filters applied when creating the certificate.
- Location. This is the location the certificate was issued for.
- Specialties. This is the specialty filter(s) used when creating the certificate.
- Instructions. This button allows you to view the assignment instructions.
- Print. This button allows you to print the certificate of eligibles.
Add Filters. This button allows you to add filter to the applicant list. You can apply, clear and remove Filters, as needed. The options are:
- Selection Decision. This filter allows you to select the applicant selection decision made from the drop-down.
- Location. This filter allows you to select the desired location from the drop-down.
- Applicant. This filter allows you to add the first or last name or email address of an applicant.
- Notes. This pop-up allows you to view and add notes to the certificate.
- Gray Box. A check in this box allows you to print documents, make selections, and add notes.
+. Selecting this icon provides access to an expanded view of the applicant record. The following elements are displayed and vary depending the vacancy:
- Contact Information. This section displays the contact information for the applicant.
- Preferences. If available, select on this section to display the applicant responses to the announcement questionnaire.
- Eligibilities. This section displays the eligibilities claimed during the application process. The type of eligibility claimed and adjudication is listed.
- Assessment. If available, select on this section to display the applicant responses to the assessment questionnaire. This section varies based on the assessment questionnaire used in the vacancy.
- Applicant Name. This column displays the name of the applicant.
- Category. This is the category the applicant is assigned to based on their numerical rating.
- Rating. This is the numerical rating for the applicant.
- Vet Preference. This column displays the veterans preference claimed by the applicant during the application process.
- Eligible Series. The column will display when more than one series is associated with the vacancy.
Selection Decision. This field displays the applicant selection decision(s) made. The options and definitions are:
- Selected. The applicant has been selected for this position.
- Alternate Selection. The applicant has not been selected for this position, but has been identified as an alternate selection.
- Not Selected. The applicant has not been selected for this position.
- Declined/Withdrawn. The applicant has declined or requested to be withdrawn from consideration for this position. The options and definitions are:
- Withdrawn from Consideration. The applicant requested to be withdrawn from further consideration.
- Failed to Reply. The applicant did not respond to contact attempts.
- Declined Interview/Assessment. The applicant declined the invitation to participate in an interview/assessment.
- Declined Location. The applicant declined the position based on the location.
- Accepted Another Position with Agency. The applicant decided to accept another position with the agency.
- Documents. The number in the drop-down list indicates the number of documents submitted by the applicant. Selecting on the arrow to the right to displays a pop-up window listing all of the documents.
- Notes. The number in the drop-down list indicates the number of notes related to the applicant record. The drop-down list allows you to add or assignment notes specific to the applicant. Along with the note, the system saves the full name of the user who added the note, date, and time the note was added.
- Request Number. This column displays the request number selected when auditing an applicant record as selected. For instructions, see Documenting the selection decision for a single applicant and Documenting the selection decision for multiple applicants with the same audit code.
- Date Certified. This column displays the date the applicant was referred on a certificate.
Toggles. This column allows you to assign an indicator to applicant records. The options are:
. Selecting the flag icon allows you to designate the applicant for follow-up.
. Selecting the check mark icon allows you to designate the applicant as reviewed.
. Selecting the star icon allows you to designate the applicant as someone you are highly interested in selecting.
Approval Status. This drop-down list allows you to change the status of the certificate. The options are:
- Incomplete
- Selection Made
- Selection Not Made
- Next. This button allows you to go to the next certificate in a assignment if there are multiple lists.
- Back to Assignments. This button allows you to go back to the Applicant Lists section for that assignment.
For additional information, see:
- Viewing an applicant's supporting documents
- Viewing an applicant's questionnaire responses
- Viewing an applicant's contact information
- Viewing applicant notes
- Adding a note to multiple applicants
- Adding a note to a single applicant
- Replying to an applicant note
- Adding notes to a certificate
- Printing multiple applications in a single PDF
- Generating a printable PDF version of an applicant list
- Making a selection decision for multiple applicants with the same audit code
- Making a selection decision for a single applicant
- Designating an alternate selection
- Returning an individual selection to HR
- Returning an applicant list to HR