- Open an assignment.
- Review the resume content against the Evaluation Criteria.
- Document your rating determination by selecting the appropriate radio button for each specialized experience section.
- In the Evaluation Justification textbox, provide your written justification for each specialized experience section being rated.
- Select Submit Evaluation.
- Select Next Applicant.
Note: It is a best practice to provide a justification that supports your evaluation decision. Evaluation justifications will assist HR in the final review of an applicant’s qualification. Also, if SMEs disagree on one or more specialized experience requirement(s), a third tiebreaker SME must review the justifications from the two SMEs to make a final determination.
Examples of justification language: When rating ‘Yes' (resume reflects the required experience), indicate where in the resume you found support for your rating (i.e., year(s) experience gained, as well as position title as needed for clarity).
- Assessment Consultant, 9/19 – 12/20”
- Personnel Psychologist, 2019 – 2021”
When rating No (resume does not reflect the required experience), indicate that the resume reflects insufficient evidence of the target experience, providing justification needed to help others retrace your decision.
- Resume reflects insufficient evidence of ‘Conducting Job Analysis.’ See May 2022 – Present. Only 6 months experience in conducting job analysis.”
- Resume reflects insufficient evidence of ‘Developing Assessments for Employee Selection.’ See 2019-2021. Relevant experience but at the Grade 11 level only.”