The Assignments page allows you to access all active (Past Due and Due Soon) Job Announcements, Applicant Lists, Panel Reviews, and Position Descriptions that are assigned to you.
To access this page, log into USA Staffing and select Assignments on the Dashboard.
The following elements are displayed on this page:
- Sort By. This drop-down allows you to sort your assignments by Due Date, Position Title, Assignment Name, and Assignment Type.
Filters. This button allows you to select and apply filters to your assignments on the following criteria:
Assignment Type. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific assignment type.
- Job Announcement Review.
- Applicant List Review.
- Panel Review.
- Position Description Review.
- Subject Matter Expert Review.
Assignment Status. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific status. The default is Active. Statuses include:
- Active.
- Returned.
- Recalled.
- Apply Filters. This button allows you to apply the filters selected.
- Reset. This button allows you to reset the filter options to the default.
Assignment Type. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific assignment type.
- Position Title, Assignment Name, or Due Date search. This field allows you to search by Position Title, Assignment Name, or Due Date.
Assignment Card. This shows the associated details specific to your assignment:
- Assignment Name. This is the assignment name given by the Human Resource Specialist who assigned the action to you. Access the assignment by selecting on the link.
- Due Date. This is the due date of the assignment. If the due date is past due, the text will appear in red.
- HR Contact. This is the name, email address and phone number of the HR Contact.
- Title. This is the title for this position.
- Assignment Type. This is the specific assignment type.
- Pay Plan. This is the pay plan for this position.
- Series. This is the series for this position.
- Grades. This is the grade(s) for this position.
For additional information, see: