The Classification Factors page is where you review the factors, levels and points assigned to the position description that have been assigned by the Classifier, you can make comments/edits to the Classifier.
To access this page, select the Assignment Name link on the Assignments tile on the Dashboard, and select Classification Factors.
The following elements are displayed:
- Position Description Review: Review Name. This is the review type and the name assigned to the assignment.
- View Instructions. This button allows you to view the assignment instructions.
- Preview as PDF. This button allows you to open a PDF package including the cover sheet, position description and evaluation statement.
Classification Factors. This sections shows the factors, levels and points assigned to the position description. The classification factor options are:
- Factor Evaluation System
- Federal Wage System
- Narrative Description
- Comments. This text box allows you to enter comments related to the assignment. This field is alpha-numeric and has a 5,000 character-limit.
- Back. This buttons allows you to navigate to the previous section of the position description.
- Save . This button allows you to save any edits made on this section the position description.
- Return Assignment. This button allows you to return the assignment to HR.
For additional information, see: