The Dashboard is your home page in USA Staffing. On this page, you can view and filter assignments, view and filter positions being filled, and view and filter position descriptions.
To access this page, log into USA Staffing or select the Dashboard icon on the Navigation Bar.
The tiles displayed on this page include:
Assignments. This displays all assignments assigned to you and may include Job Announcements, Applicants Lists, Panel Reviews, Position Descriptions and/or SME Evaluations that are in an incomplete status.
- Past Due. Reflects the number of your assignments where the Due Date is prior to today.
- Due Soon. Reflects the number of your assignments that are due within the next three days.
Positions Being Filled. This displays a list of any positions being filled that your HR contact has granted you access to view.
- Incomplete.
- Selection Made.
- Position Descriptions. This tile displays a list of position descriptions published to your agencies PD library within USA Staffing.
For additional information, see: