The Position Descriptions tile will allow Hiring Managers to view Position Descriptions Published to your agencies PD library within USA Staffing.
To access this page, log into USA Staffing and select Position Descriptions on the Dashboard.
The following elements are displayed on this page:
- Sort By. This drop-down allows you to sort your assignments by Position Description Number, Grade, Last Modified Date, Position Title, Series, or Status.
Filters. This button allows you to select and apply filters to your positions being filled on the following criteria:
Status. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific status.
- Published.
- Hiring Organization. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the hiring organization.
- Series. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the series.
- Pay Plan. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the pay plan.
- Grade. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the grade.
- Apply Filters. This button allows you to apply the filters selected.
- Reset. This button allows you to reset the filter options to the default. The display will revert to the published.
Status. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific status.
- Position Description Number or Position Title search box. This field allows you to enter a position description number or position title to search the position description library.
- Position Description Name. This is the position description name given by your human resources office.
- Position Description Title. This is the position description title.
- Pay-plan, Series and Grade. This is the pay plan series and grade associated with the position description.
Documents. This button allows you to view supporting documents associated with the position description. select the hyperlink to open associated documents.
- Document Name. select the hyperlink to open the document.
- Type.
- Upload Date.
- Last Modified. This is the date the position description was last modified.