The Positions Being Filled page displays a list of any active Request that your HR contact has granted you access to view. This page will display the Activity Progress for your request. On this page, you can Filter, Reset Filters, Sort, and Search Positions Being Filled that you have access to in USA Staffing. The following elements are displayed on this page:
- Sort By. This drop-down allows you to sort your assignments by Request Number, Position Title, Start Date, Status or Selectee Name.
Filters. This button allows you to select and apply filters to your positions being filled on the following criteria:
Status. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific status.
- Submit Request.
- Request Approval.
- Announce Job
- Evaluate Applicants
- Process Hire
- Request Cancelled.
- Complete.
- Hiring Manager. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the hiring manager name.
- Location. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the location.
- Hiring Organization. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the hiring organization.
- Series. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the series.
- Pay Plan. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the pay plan.
- Grade. This drop-down list allows you to filter on the grade.
- Apply Filters. This button allows you to apply the filters selected.
- Reset. This button allows you to reset the filter options to the default. The display will revert to the default display by the Request number.
Status. This drop-down list allows you to filter your assignments in a specific status.
- Position Title, Request Number, or Selected Applicant search. This field allows you to search by Position Title, Request Number, or Selected Applicant.
Positions Being Filled Card. This shows the associated details specific to your position being filled:
- Position Name. This is the position title of the position being filled. Access the hiring action details by selecting on the link.
- Request Number. This is the request number of the assignment.
- Selected Applicant. This is the name, email address, phone number and projected start date of the applicant selected for this position.
- Series. This is the series for this position.
- Pay Plan. This is the pay plan for this position.
- Grades. This is the grade(s) for this position.
- Hiring Organization. This is the hiring organization for this position.
- Locations. This is the location for this position.
Activity Progress Bar. This bar will display the different phases of the hiring process and will display the following elements:
Phase Definitions.
- Submit Request. This is the first phase of the process. You need to submit your request to the HR Office.
- Request Approval. After you submit the request to the HR office, this status indicates that the request is “Pending” approval by the HR office.
- Announce Job. The request is waiting for the HR office to draft, review, approve and release a Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) to USAJOBS.
- Evaluate Applicants. The JOA has been released to USAJOBS and applicants are being collected, qualifications reviewed, certificates issued, and selections made.
- Process Hire. The onboarding process has been initiated for an applicant/new hire associated with the request.
- Icon Definitions.
Phase Definitions.
A green checkmark indicates that the task is completed.
A green circle with arrows indicates that the phase is active and in progress.
A gray X indicates the phase has not yet started.
- View Event Log. This allows you to view additional details about the events associated with this request. Entries displayed relate to request creation and approval, review actions, and new hire milestones (e.g. offer acceptance). Note: For more information, see Hiring Manager Request Events and Triggers
- Event Date. This column displays the date and time stamp of the action was completed on the request.
- Event Description. This columns displays the name of the user and the action performed on the request.
- Action. This column displays the action required to be performed on the request. Note: If you are assigned a a Review is associated with this request, select View Assignment to access the Review.
For additional information, see: