The Hiring Manager Profile page is where you view or update your user information. To access this page, select your User Account on the Navigation Bar then select Profile. The following elements are displayed on this page:
- First Name. This is your first name.
- Middle Initial. This is your middle initial. This field is optional.
- Last Name. This is your last name.
- Position Title. This is your position title. This field is optional.
- Pay Plan. This is your pay plan.
- Grade. This is your grade.
- Address 1. This is your address.
- Address 2. This is your address. This field is optional.
- Room/Suite. This is your room number. This field is optional.
- City. This is the city listed in your user account.
- Country. This is the country where you reside.
- State. This is the state listed in your user account.
- Postal Code. This is the zip code listed in your user account.
- Phone Number. This is your work phone number.
- Phone Ext. This is your work phone number extension. This field is optional.
- Fax Number. This is your work fax number. This field is optional.
- Fax Ext. This is your work fax number extension. This field is optional.